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Before You Arrive

In preparation for your arrival, please complete the following steps. 

Note: When you submit a page, you should be redirected to another page. If you have failed to fill out a required field or check a box in a required list, you will be kept on that page and the statement "Please correct the highlighted fields" will appear below the submit button. Find any section(s) you missed and make corrections.​

For minor students only:

  1. Complete the Media Release form for minors here. (Signed by student and parent/guardian.)

  2. Sign the Medical Release form for a minor here.

  3. Sign the Adult Waiver and Release of Liability here. (For parents/guardians of minor students.)

  4. Sign the Minor Waiver and Release of Liability here. (Signed by parent/guardian of minor student.)

  5. Sign the Advised Consent for Suspension and Dismissal here.

  6. Upload the Medical Exam form here. (Your doctor's form, or download the form on the page to take to your doctor.)

  7. Sign the Personal Agreement of Stay form here.

  8. Read/download the Ranch Necessity list here.

  9. Review/download the Student Handbook here.

For adult students only:

  1. Complete the Media Release form for adults here.

  2. Sign the Medical Release for an adult here.

  3. Sign the Adult Waiver and Release of Liability here.

  4. Sign the Advised Consent for Suspension and Dismissal here.

  5. Upload the Medical Exam form here. (Your doctor's form, or download this form to take to your doctor.)

  6. Sign the Personal Agreement of Stay form here.

  7. Read/download the Ranch Necessity list here.

  8. Review/download the Student Handbook here.

You must complete all your paperwork before your arrival.

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