We currently have internship openings. Learn more here.
Before You Arrive
We are so excited to have you joining our team. Here are a few more things to take care of before your arrival, including several resources and trainings that will prepare you for internship. While these do not all have to be done before you arrive, each item that's completed will make your transition into the intern team easier and more comfortable.
Submit your driving record here.
Read and sign the Media Release form here.
Read the Statement of Unity here.
Recommended Reading: The book Parenting Teens with Love and Logic by Cline and Fay. This approach significantly influences how we work with students. There is a Love and Logic YouTube channel as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sHC29PPm7Q. Staff will talk about these concepts during training after you arrive, and it can be very helpful to understand the framework ahead of time.
Read some recent CER newsletters here.
Take the ServSafe Food Handler Training Course here and forward the certificate to us. (We will reimburse you for it.)
Take the Sexual Abuse Awareness Workshop​ here and let us know when you have watched it.
Fill out the Internship Grant Application form here and send it back to us.