Interns have a large sphere of influence on the students and have the joy and challenge of being with the students in all capacities. Where a teacher is limited to the classroom and a coach is limited to team activities, interns are presented with teachable moments throughout the daily tasks of living. Having the opportunity to constantly sharpen the iron of those around—and in turn be sharpened—is intensely challenging, yet encouraging, and ultimately deeply fulfilling.
ministry is relationship
Because of the 24/7 nature of the ministry, interns develop deep relationships. Because the relationships are deep, the leadership built on those relationships is strong, and the ministry effective.
a vibrant church community
The intern team is just one part of the larger Ranch community which also includes our students, staff, and members of our church. Living in this tight community adds to the depth of relationships. The opportunity to be so immersed in a vibrant community like the Ranch, a microcosm of the body of Christ, is rare and valuable. It's an opportunity to learn to see beyond someone’s behavior, and even beyond their character, to the soul—and to learn to love that soul as Jesus does.
"When I have imagined my time here, the picture has come to mind of three people walking down the road: a student, holding the hand of an intern—and an intern, holding the hand of Jesus. The call to come here as an intern is a call to come and hold the hand of someone hurting and connect them to Jesus." - Chiara, former intern