We currently have internship openings. Learn more here.

After I finished my internship in 2010, my first role on staff was opening a transition and discipleship house for young men who completed the Ranch program. We rented a house a few miles from the Ranch and set up the “Guys’ House.”
I lived there for almost three years. A lot happened during that time! Fun, challenge, growing pains, and fellowship throughout. We went on a lot of road trips together to stand as groomsmen as House members got married.
The first resident at the House was Sean. Because of the work training he received at the Ranch, he immediately got a job at Starbucks. He saved up and bought a car, plugged into a young adult group at a local church, crashed the car during a storm, saw his role at work grow, got another car, and fell in love with a girl. Through it all, he had the support and guidance of the Ranch community.

Fourteen years later, he’s married to that girl and they have two kids. He’s serving in leadership at his church and co-owns a mechanic shop that specializes in Sprinter vans.
He said, “I know for a fact I wouldn’t be where I am today–in my career, but most importantly in my marriage and my walk with God–if I hadn’t gone to the Guys’ House.” He adds that he realized while living there, “This is what godly men act like when no one’s watching them.”
He also spoke of the balance of structure and freedom: “You’re still away from the old, deadly patterns you knew before. And now you get to figure out your own way of implementing what you learned at the Ranch into your daily life. You can internalize it for yourself.” He said he wishes everyone could have the opportunity to go to the House.
It gives current students a visible, attainable path forward after the Ranch–a vision for their future they can grab onto, which helps them discern goals and pursue them.
Despite the great benefits, the Guys’ House didn’t last. Those were difficult years for the ministry financially, and in 2014 both the Guys’ House and Girls’ House had to be closed.

In early 2023, a former intern sold his home to us for far below market value, and we were able to relaunch the Girls’ House. This incredible generosity meant we could operate without the added burden of monthly rent payments, which means it has a high degree of financial sustainability.
Now, a former staff member has offered to sell us his house for half its value. The house is valued at $450K, but it’s being offered to us at $225K. Our goal is to raise the down payment this month, and relaunch the Guys’ House once the building becomes available in March.
Will you help us raise the $45K down payment, giving these boys an attainable path forward when they finish the program?