We currently have internship openings. Learn more here.
Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Christian Encounter Ranch. Volunteers are a core part of our ministry and we would love for you to be a part of what God is doing here.
Ongoing, regular needs:
Prayer team: Email Salena@christianencounter.org for a list of prayer needs
Preparing newsletters for mailing: Email Office@christianencounter.org for dates
Serve Days: Click Here to learn more and sign up
Agony Ride: Click Here to learn more and sign up to ride, SAG (volunteer), or sponsor a rider
Be an ambassador: Call the office at 530-268-0877 or email Zach@christianencounter.org to set up a tour and learn more
Cook a meal: Email Carissa@christianencounter.org, our Food Service Manager, to learn more and set up a time
Brush clearing: Email Maintenance@christianencounter.org to learn more and set up a time.
Vehicle maintenance: Email Maintenance@christianencounter.org to learn more and set up a time.
If you have another skill you're wondering about, fill out the Volunteer Interest Form and we'll see if there is currently a need.
If you would like to partner with us by giving, click Here.