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Intern Reflection: In prayer, in practice

Jun 19, 2024

2 min read




By Kendall Henson

     A few months ago, my intern team spent a portion of our “Intern Night Out” in prayer over our students. We delegated prayers to make sure everyone was covered, and I realized I would be praying for a student I had struggled with that week. As my turn drew closer, an image began to form in my mind. I stood in the throne room of God, surrounded by the light of His glory. The student in question stood behind me, and I realized I was there to present them to the Lord, and seek His love and mercy for them, as an ambassador. I took the student’s hand and stepped closer to the throne, and felt, in that moment, a new and precious love for this person, a child so desperately loved by the Father that I could no more protest that fact than deny His love for me.

     Author Francis Chan writes, “The theology that matters is not the theology we profess, but the theology we practice.” As an intern I have learned to practice my theology as I wipe crumbs from a table. I have learned to practice my theology as I gather yet another pile of brush on yet another rainy Wednesday. I have learned to practice my theology in every seemingly inconsequential moment spent in community with my students. Most importantly, I have learned to practice my theology by daily surrendering my students to the Father, and asking Him to reveal to them His heart of perfect love and mercy. I imagine my crucified Christ doing the same for me. This is the power of Christian Encounter Ranch.

Jun 19, 2024