The Agony Ride is an annual 24-hour bike-a-thon fundraiser held in the Sierra Valley. All money raised goes toward student tuition scholarships. This year we’re celebrating a new fundraising record! $374,504 raised in gifts and pledges
40th Agony Ride Stats
Mike Boon is the only person to have ridden in every Agony Ride since its inception. Mike has previously served as both CER staff and board member. He currently serves as Executive Director and senior chaplain at Placer County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy. “The whaaat ride?” “The Agony Ride.” “OK, that doesn’t sound remotely like fun.” “Well, fun isn’t necessarily part of the package. It’s for a great cause. It’s for Christian Encounter Ranch where kids can go get the life help they need.” “Twenty-four hours on a bicycle? “Well, as far as you can ride in that amount of time.” And so the conversation continues. I can’t tell you how many times I have had that conversation over the last 40 years. More often than not it ends with some version of “better you than me” or “you ARE crazy.” And, sadly, that’s likely more true than I want to admit.
Forty years, over three locations (well, more if you count virtual rides), and a number of route variations in the Sierra Valley. Stories and spiritual and personal insights abound. I could fill my word limit with just the keywords to the many stories and insights. The contrasts are astounding; worship at the summit, barfing in the valley, frozen water bottles, heat exhaustion, rattlesnakes, cows, and drunk drivers. I could regale you for hours. (Well for 30 minutes or so anyway; the rest of the time you’d be yawning and looking for the nearest exit.) And so many motivational scripture references. “Run with endurance...” “Press on for the prize...” “Who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross...” |